Tuesday, June 20, 2006

You know, I have a Philosophy on humor...

...No really, I do! I think humor can and should be funny, but without being demeaning or insulting to another person. It's okay to walk that fine line between humor and sarcasm, but try not to cross that line too often. It's okay to make fun at yourself, but not at the expense of another person.

Keeping it funny and "Clean" is more of a challenge then cheap and dirty humor as that is not nearly as clever either!

...In laughter, or in sorrow,

It's humor that redeems.

The spirit of that moment,

Our laughter and our dreams!

So many go through life,

Compounding with interest, just misery and strife,

Dressed in emotional armor,

Anger follows them like a dark cloud in their life,

How dreadful life might be,

With only these cloud‑filled skies,

Yet humor like the sun shines through,

Beams piercing through this sad disguise,

Yet life would be dull and dreary,

Without these pleasant charms...

In times of conflict or, in peace,

It's humor that disarms...


Blogger bostonray said...

Hey...no calling names! You doofus!

June 22, 2006 6:59 AM  
Blogger ex-nuke bubblehead said...

You know, back when we were kids we used to say "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt us" ...this really is getting a bit childish isn't it?

June 23, 2006 8:45 AM  
Blogger ex-nuke bubblehead said...

By golly, you're RIGHT!!!

It was a hot morning, the sun was beating down, but i finished with a time of 26 minutes, 31 seconds! Not bad for running 3.1 miles! The winning time was like 18-19 minutes...hey, I'm not out to burn the record books I just aim to finish any race like this under 30 minutes and I'm happy.

June 28, 2006 2:02 PM  

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