Has our holiness Art Hebert been moonlighting?

I know it seems that as busy as Art has been with the USS BOSTON Shipmates, Inc. he still has time to fulfill his more public duties as the 13th Bishop of Buffalo, NY. Of course, switching time between Buffalo, NY and Amherst. NH can be quite a challenge, so while in Western New York he maintains his residence in Amherst, NY so to avoid any slip-up he can truthfully and proudly say: "Of course, I live in Amherst!"
Of course, I've known about this for the last several years but didn't want to let on because perhaps he has not told his wife Nancy about his his other vocation....or is it that he hasn't told the Catholic Church about Nancy? ....it gets too confusing doesn't it!
So, to keep things straight, be sure to address Art the next time you see him as "His Holiness" or "Blessed Father, thou Art"
One thing is for certain, if Art & Nancy plan on visiting Buffalo, NY anytime soon Art will be revered by all of Western New York and whatever establishment he visits, they might just roll out the Red carpet for him and he might just get a few free meals from some of the best restaurants in the area! ...That is if he chooses to offer his personal blessing on their business!
See: The Bishop Kmiec Website